Matchmaking and meetups for elite singles | VIP Club |
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VIP Club membership

It includes a regular, discounted Jodi365 membership and your first VIP Club event pass is FREE.

Hurry, prices increase in:


1 month





3 months










All prices are inclusive of 18% GST.  Your payment will be fully refunded if you are not accepted as a member.

Payment not going through?  Try this alternative, secure link:

Prefer personalized service?

We also provide personalized matchmaking service to accomplished professionals and their families.

We'd be happy to discuss this in our screening call, once we have reviewed your application.

Frequently asked questions

1. For whom is the Jodi365 VIP Club?

For educated, quality singles who are serious about finding the right partner, at their own pace – whether they are ready for marriage or want to get to know someone as friends first.

For discerning singles who are wary or tired of typical matrimonial sites and dating apps and see value in looking for a match within a carefully curated community of select singles.

Jodi365's VIP Club members are predominantly graduates of top-tier universities, from varied fields such as arts, science, civil services, engineering, medicine, law, management, business, accounting, finance, marketing, design, media, and more.

They come from varied socio-cultural backgrounds, as Jodi365 appeals to elite singles and their families regardless of their religious views or community identities.

See also these additional For Whom FAQs, which also apply to the VIP Club:

2. How do I become a member?

Start by filling out our VIP Club membership application.

Complete your registration by subscribing to a membership plan.

Await an email and call from our screening team, to verify your eligibility and to understand and manage your expectations.

As we admit you into the VIP Club, we will also personally onboard you onto Jodi365 over the course of a half-hour-long phone call.

3. What are all the membership benefits?

You get to join an exclusive, carefully curated community of over 25,000 educated, quality singles with verified bona fides.

You get access to monthly, by-invitation-only online audio/video meetups with other, pre-screened VIP Club members.  (Extra registration fees, of a nominal ₹500 per event, apply.)

You get a free 30-min consultation with an experienced client relations manager, who will personally onboard you on Jodi365.

You get to use the Jodi365 app also (on the web and Android), with a complimentary Quick Connect membership plan for the duration of your VIP Club membership.

4. Am I allowed to apply for a son/daughter, sibling, or friend?

Yes.  We understand and respect that many people in Indian culture invest heavily in finding a match for a family member or friend.

So, you may play matchmaker by managing a relative or friend's profile on Jodi365.

However, access to the curated online meetups – a valued benefit of the VIP Club – is limited to the eligible singles, not their representatives.

Also, if we are to take your family on as a client for our separate, personalized matchmaking service, we require confirmation that the eligible single is a willing, enthusiastic participant in the process.  (We owe it to their potential matches and value their time and ours.)

5. Why the upfront payment? What if I am not accepted as a member?

The Jodi365 VIP Club is an exclusive, carefully curated community of educated, quality singles who are serious about finding the right match.

The upfront payment is to confirm that you are serious and value our differentiated offering.

So, sorry, no free trials, no free passes to the VIP Club.

Yet, rest assured, we do the responsible thing, as part of our screening process, of understanding and managing your expectations.

If we determine that the Jodi365 VIP Club would not be a good fit, of if you are not accepted in, your membership fee will be refunded in full within 5–7 business days.

(No refunds under any other circumstances, including cancellations.)

6. How secure is your payment gateway?

Transactions on are 100% secure.  Our site is HTTPS-secured and payments are processed by Razorpay, a leading, 100% PCI-DSS-compliant (Payments Card Industry – Data Security Standards) and certified payment gateway.  

Further, sensitive information such as address, credit/debit card info, CVV numbers, or PINs are used only to process and complete the order and not stored with Jodi365.

7. How many potential matches would I have? How long might it take to find my dream match?

You may have a few thousand potential matches in our system, or only a few dozen, to begin with.  It depends on two main factors:

i) How picky you are, which will determine how many potential matches, within our current database of 25,000+ quality singles, will pass your "strict-match" filters.

The more that you want your preferences – from among age, location, marital status, height, education level, religion, language, socio-economic status, dietary habits, smoking habits, and drinking habits – to be strictly matched, the narrower your pool of potential matches will be.

ii) Whether something about your own profile may cause you not to pass many potential matches' filters.

For example, if you are on the older side, divorced, not in a major Indian metro, a vegan, a smoker, or even a teetotaler, then your pool of potential matches would understandably be smaller.

We advise singles and their familes to be patient and open-minded, while still being discerning, and to give at least six months for the matchmaking process.  As Phil Collins famously sang, "You can't hurry love!"

Besides, we process thousands of new registrations each month, and your dream match may surface any day.

Our focus on quality, rather than quantity for quantity's sake, is why we offer quality singles a "Pay Once and Done" option through a Lifetime membership, for as long as it takes to connect with one's dream match on Jodi365.

8. What if I don't want to be spotted online? What about my privacy and profile data?

It is a sad reflection of our times, in this information age, that regular folks must understandably be wary about their privacy and data security, given the widespread mischief that happens online. 

We say to those who come to Jodi365: "Worry less!"

Re. User Privacy:

Don't want to be spotted online?  You're at the right place.

Our privacy settings let you keep your photo, contact information, and sensitive profile details hidden from all members and show it only to matches you like, on a case-by-case basis.

When you register for an online meetup, we ask for and display only your first name, age, and city/town to other pre-screened VIP Club members.

We handle your information consistent with the policies described here:

Re. Data Security:

Data may be the new oil.  Yet, our message to Jodi365 users has long been: "You own your data.  We respect that."  We don't sell, rent, or share user data with third parties.

Further, when users leave Jodi365, we retain no personally identifiable information (beyond temporary, regularly overwritten hourly/daily/weekly database server backups, to guard against database crashes).

9. What app/software/hardware would I need for the online meetups?

You need only a web browser (preferably Google Chrome).  While you can come online using your smartphone, your experience will be better on a laptop or desktop.

Your computer or smartphone must have a microphone and camera enabled, to participate in the event.  (These are audio/video meetups, after all!)

The virtual events will also require you to have a reliable broadband connection, or at least a stable 4G mobile data connection.  Don't let a poor internet connection ruin your first audio/video chat experience with a potential match.  Don't blame us, either.

You would also need to create an account and dial into our event software (e.g., Airmeet) using the invitation link that registrants receive at least a full day before an event.

For this reason, we recommend that VIP Club attendees come online at least 5–10 minutes before the scheduled start of an event.

10. Anything else that I should know?

Our mission behind operating Jodi365, since 2009, is lofty:

To help people find a compatible match, to help them celebrate and nurture their relationships through all seasons of life, and thereby to make meaningful contributions to society.

We wouldn't be able to realize this objective unless we first created a safe and comfortable environment for our users.

So, we expect everybody on Jodi365, including in the VIP Club, to abide by our Terms of Service and  Code of Conduct.

We are confident you'll find that Jodi365 lives up to its longstanding motto: Useful. Classy. Trustworthy.

Got any other questions? Please call at +91 9345 634 365 (India) or +1 305-JODI-365 (USA) or write to us via the CONTACT US form.

What people have to say about Jodi365

Online meetup reviews

Thanks for hosting a lovely event. A few people from the event already connected with me.

– Riya

Thank you for the premium speed dating hour last evening. It was great to interact with people from different schools.

– Deepali

Thanks for a well-put session! You're trying to solve a very valid problem, thanks! I liked the session overall!

– Siddharth

Thank you for arranging this! this is my first speed dating experience - loved it. thank you

– Deepa

Thanks for the session. It was a lot of fun. I was really skeptical initially because... But it turned out to be fun and legit!

– Shruti

Fun session. Kudos for a really well organized event! Thanks so much! I met a few interesting gentlemen, please share contact info should there be mutual interest. 

– Angie

Thank you! this was a very interesting experience 

– Reethika

super fun..thanks for your efforts!!

– Subhronil

Sorry i have to leave early but had a great time here. Was a fun event.

– Garima

Thank you for scheduling the event. There were initial glitches, but it’s part and parcel :) all in all, it was a fun event!

– Sneha

Press highlights

About the VIP Club

For the select few. For the selective.

Jodi365 is a smart, sensible hybrid between matrimonial sites and dating apps, catering exclusively to educated, quality singles who wish to find the right partner at their own pace.

We screen each applicant and are selective about whom we let into the VIP Club, a carefully curated community of verified members.

Our members are predominantly graduates of top-tier universities, from varied fields such as arts, science, civil services, engineering, medicine, law, management, business, accounting, finance, marketing, design, media, and more.

The above logos do not imply an association with or endorsement by the educational institutions.

They come from varied socio-cultural backgrounds and are also serious about finding that special someone. Are you?

Get to use a matchmaking app for quality singles

We let only verified singles in; protect your privacy; and help to keep you safe.

Plus, curated online meetups, by invitation only

Connect with pre-screened, quality singles over monthly audio/video meetups.

Extra, nominal event registration fees apply.

People love saying they found love here!

Write your own love story. Join the Jodi365 VIP Club today.

Raj (Munich) & Swathy (Mumbai)

Raj and Swathy began talking soon after they were matched. They clicked instantly and, following a long-distance courtship, got engaged and married within a year.

Piyush (Delhi) & Namrta (Bengaluru)

Namrta was elated to find her life partner on Jodi365, and that too in only 4 days! Love blossomed over long distance and they got married a year and a half later.

Vamsee (Chennai) & Raghu (Singapore)

To Raghu's family, no other profile matched up to Vamsee's! It was like destiny. The families met soon and a lovely wedding happened in the months to follow.

Tell a friend

I have personally known the challenges that educated, driven career professionals face in finding the right partner. That is what motivated me, in 2009, to set up and provide a thoughtful, refreshingly different matchmaking service.

I am grateful for how much Jodi365 has grown over the past decade and for its continuing to earn the trust of thousands of new users each month.

Know someone who would benefit? Tell them about!

They may well thank you at their wedding.

S Anil Kumar, Founder/CEO
MBA (Chicago Booth), PhD (U Michigan), MS (U Iowa), BTech (IIT Madras)




Ready to find a match within our curated community?

30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

We are confident that you'll find Jodi365 to live up to its motto:
Useful. Classy. Trustworthy. 

Once we have activated your one-year membership plan, you have 30 days in which to decide whether your membership plan is worth it.

In the unlikely event that you do not receive a single expression of interest (or acceptance of your interest) in that 30-day period, let us know.

We will then issue a 100% refund.
This makes it risk-free to try a Jodi365 membership plan.

However, so that people don't abuse our generous offer, by using it to connect with matches and then asking for their money back, we have this reasonable pre-condition:

No refunds if, in the 30-day period following your plan's activation, you have at least one accepted match (mutual expression of interest).